Monday, July 21, 2008

One Door Shuts

Another door opens.

Mrs Boretti has agreed to come back to SSVT. She will be teaching freshmen and seniors. She has been teaching at Blue Hills since she left us, freshmen and seniors. Medical Office etc. She will be a valuable asset to HCT and the seniors will remember her. Let us welcome her with open arms. She and Mrs Christian have talked and Mrs Christian has given her all of the information that she will need. Your senior year will be the same as if Mrs Christian was still here . Mrs Boretti is a great instructor!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Goodbye Mrs Christian :(

Mrs. Christian has accepted a new position at a college in Maryland. This is a chance in a life time and she will be fulfilling a life long dream. It is a wonderful opportunity for her and I wish her the best of luck! (on a selfish note, I will miss her greatly and wish she would stay :(

The ad for the open position was in the Globe last Sunday. I have no idea yet who may be applying but I will try to keep you up to date

Friday, July 11, 2008

OSHA Safety

Hello on this wonderful summer day!
Just a suggestion to the new juniors. You may want to continue to do your online OSHA safety program this summer while not to many people will be on and delaying the program.

Remember your summer reading!