Sunday, September 13, 2009

Permission Slips

A quick reminder to the sophomores and seniors to please return your permission slips on Monday.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy First Day to All

To the sophomores and juniors:

You are responsible for downloading your syllabus and keeping it in your notebook.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Well, here I am back at school getting ready for all of you to come back to a brand new year of fun and excitement!

Becca emailed me with a good question. Do we have to wear our scrubs on the first day? Well the answer is no, you don't have to. If you want to, go ahead, I am :)

See everyone tomorrow

Mrs C

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Updated Physicals

This is a reminder that your physical must be current. (within the last year) so if your physical was before September 08, you are out of date. Please contact your physician's office now to make an appointment. No current physical, no clinical. We will be starting clinical in October.

You will also need to get a new Tb test. We will issue the permission slips on the first day. Please have them signed and return them to school. The Mrs Thomopson will oversee the tests.

If you have any reason to object to the Tb test, a current chest x-ray will do.


Seniors, you need to start thinking about whether or not you want to go out on co-op. I believe you must wait until at least mid term before you are allowed to go.

Juniors, start saving your money for the CNA exam. It is $96 to take the test. I will be glad to take even $1 at a time.

Mrs C