Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mid Terms

Well believe it or not it is mid term time. Remember to make up any test that you may have missed or any that you want to retake! Now is the time.

Reminder to sophomores and juniors that your physical must be up to date before going out to clinical.

Juniors, please start saving for the CNA testing. It will be here before you know it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October!

Welcome October! The air is getting crisp and the sun is setting earlier and earlier. We are just that much closer to summer vacation!! :)

Now that you are back into the swing of things, there are a few reminders. Be mindful of the dress code. Remember no facial piercings or visible tattoos, even if it is a half day!

Be sure to study that medical terminology, you will thank yourself later